Budget-friendly Tips to Modernize Your Home
If you have ever looked at your home and thought it could use a huge overhaul to bring it to the present, you may be excited to find out that it does not take much money, time or effort to make your home look modern. Yes, I would love to tell you the a fresh coat of paint can fix it all, but there are a lot of options. Here are some easy, affordable ways to modernize your home:

Perhaps the simplest and quickest fix you can make is New funky pillows that pair well with your couch can really amp up the look of your living room, or bedroom. Choose a contrasting color to really make your furniture pop.
Window Treatments
Old vinyl blinds or drab curtains can make any room look twenty years older. Consider swapping out blinds for new shutters or curtains. Even a change in a curtain rod can make a huge difference for little money.
Paint It
This one probably does not come as surprise because paint is a cure-all that can fix almost anything! Color is huge here. Neutral colors like grays and tans are very elegant-looking and timeless. Even though some wish wallpaper would die already, it still has its place in some rooms. If you have a room that has been wallpapered improperly or has an outdated pattern, swapping it to a fresh modern paint color can bring your room into the this decade. Even a simple fix like repainting a door, fireplace or adding an accent wall can make a world of difference.
Molding and Trim
A house without trim around the doors and walls does not necessarily look old, but it looks unfinished. Crown molding is a timeless addition that can really make your house look like a million bucks. It is a small detail, but it is a noticeable one!
New Lighting
Old halogen lights are a sad thing. Do yourself a favor and find a new light fixture that ties into the color palette of the room. A new-to-you chandelier can really set off a room and cast it in a new light (sorry, couldn’t help myself!). Save yourself hundreds by looking for new light fixtures at thrift stores and garage sales.
Look at Flooring
Carpeting really sets a tone for a room. It can really create a warm, cozy environment, but more often than not a wrong length, color or texture can make your house look like your grandma’s back in the 70’s. Consider new laminate or even wood flooring to really make your home look elegant. Nowadays, they have laminate that is incredibly convincing as a wood floor or tile substitute for a fraction of the price. With a little paint and elbow grease, you can make almost anything used fixture you buy look new.
A new picture or mirror in a room makes the walls more attractive for as little as a few dollars. If you have a little more to spend, a new coffee table or chair could also achieve a more modern room.
Clean and Declutter
This one might annoy you (it does me!), but removing clutter from your home is perhaps one of the quickest, most affordable fixes to make your home look more modern. Just organizing your coffee table or kitchen counter can remove the distraction of the clutter and refocus your attention back on the décor of your home. Even a good window cleaning can make a room look that much brighter.
If your home could use the modern effect of a fresh coat of paint, let us know! Mention you read this post to receive a discount on any summer interior work you have! If you live in or around the Durango, Bayfield, Cortez or Pagosa Springs area, we can help with your painting and wall covering needs. Our estimates are always free! Call anytime at 970 903-4305.